Anna Lunaria’s
Mindful Body Care Studio
located within Wellspring Holistic Healing

Anna Lunaria’s

Mindful Body Care Studio

Mindfulness is the quality of being fully integrated, present and aware in each moment on all levels of being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Being mindful restores health, promotes wellness, and induces happiness.

Anna’s work as a holistic healer encompasses many mindfulness inducing practices: yoga, massage therapy, hypnotherapy, as well as spiritual mentoring.

“During thirty years of numerous injuries and episodes of acute, severe pain in my back, neck, and knees,  I developed continuous, stubborn, chronic pain throughout my body.   Through the process, I tried various treatments and advice for relief, and had more bodywork than a NASCAR automobile.  Although I may not yet race around the track in top form, Anna showed me how to develop my own pace, and to discover new hope, through yoga therapy and her brand of unique "massage" that brought longer-lasting relief than other forms. She displays a skilled gift of teaching combined with unique knowledge & understanding of anatomy as well as the way the body, mind and spirit interact together. Anna custom designed yoga poses and helped me find practical ways to change daily patterns of thought and posture in order to stop exacerbating my pain and allow healing to occur.  She assisted me to understand, visualize, accept, respect, comfort, encourage and listen to my body and quiet my mind to find a level of growth, hope and healing beyond what I imagined possible. “     - Beverly

    “A little over two years ago, one of my friends was raving about a certain massage therapist.  My friend Debbie could not say enough good things about Anna and her massages. 

    Since I was suffering from some pain, I decided to try Anna.  Well, right after the wonderful massage I signed up for her yoga classes on the spot and have been there ever since!  I also a great promoter of her wonderful and varied massages. Due to her skill, I have recommended her to many of my friends and clients.

    Anna is a wonder…not only does she know her anatomy inside out (pun intended), which is a boon when giving massages, and correcting alignment in her yoga classes, but she also is very patient and kind.  I truly relax in her yoga classes and as a result have gotten more limber.  Anna also incorporates a mind, body and spirit philosophy in her classes.  I have therefore learned much about the Eastern culture and thoughts, which has contributed, to my mental well-being.
    I truly recommend Anna to anyone who seeks to feel better mentally or physically.  Come and get “Annasized”!  You will never regret it!”

                                                 - Sincerely,  Sandra Guerguy